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tv   The Journal Editorial Report  FOX News  September 20, 2015 12:30pm-1:01pm PDT

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starts. be sure to send your questions to and send your questions. i'm bob massi, the property man. i'll see you next week. this week on the journal editorial report, the white house will square off in a presidential debate with fire aimed at donald trump. did his rivals put a dent in his frontrunner status? which candidates established their commander in chief credentials? all that, plus the panel's take on missed opportunities and where the campaign goes from here. but first, these headlines. live from america's news headquarte headquarters, i'm arthel neville. they're meeting with fidel
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castro. according to the vatican, they met for a half hour at the home of the former cuban leader, the ponti po leader saying the pope gave him a book. in northern california, a wildfire killed one person and destroyed 10 homes. it's growing. a mandatory evacuation is under way in some areas. two other wildfires in northern california has destroyed at least 1300 homes. i'm arthel neville. i'll see you alongside eric shaw. welcome to the "journal editorial report." i'm paul gigot. the republican presidential
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hopefuls squared off in the debate. while there were 11 candidates on the main stage at the reagan library on wednesday, most had a common goal, taking on frontrunner donald trump. >> mr. trump, we don't need an apprentice in the white house. we have one right now. >> the one guy that had some special interest that i know of that tried to get me to change my views on something that was generous and gave me money was donald trump. he won a casino gambling in florida. >> i think women all over this country heard very clearly what mr. trump said. >> according to the panel this week, wall street journal columnist dan henninger and dorothy labinowitz, let's start with you. you saw everyone trying to take on donald trump. did they succeed in taking him down a peg? >> i think the unexpected
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benefit of having donald trump in this race is he is forcing all of his rivals to really up their game, and they did. he wants this race to continue being about his personality and some blus tter and blather. they came in as a high candidate. you had fiorina highlighting his temperament and lack of knowledge on things like the 14th amendment. you had bush highlighting his record as a democrat and his views in the past. you had marco rubio really highlighting his utter lack of knowledge in foreign policy. >> who is the most effective change, do you think? my own view, it was carly fiorina because she didn't really let him get under her skin at all. she used his words against him. >> she landed a haymaker, her response to his comment about her looks. she showed a really enpsych encc
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knowledge. they all did well, except for mr. trump. the blather that was mentioned, he gives business to other candidates and some may continue to want that. >> let's look at another exchange between jeb bush and donald trump. >> and your brother's administration gave us barack obama because it was such a disaster those last three months that abraham lincoln couldn't have been elected. >> you know what, as it relate to see my brother, there's one thing i know for sure. he kept us safe. i don't know if you remember -- >> this was an important moment, because after jeb bush said that, trump said, do you feel safe right now? and scott walker immediately jumped in and said, mr. trump, you are talking about barack
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obama. his brother did keep us safe. and then later, chris christie, when he was talking about 9/11 in a way that could have been maudlin, actually turned out to be pretty moving and strong, and in the end said, i was proud to serve with george w. bush. in a way, it was a party coming together to not only protect jeb bush against donald trump but the previous administration. >> i also thought the earlier exchange where bush asked trump to apologize to his wife was not effective for bush because trump did what he always does, he refused. then bush kind of sloughed away without taking a firm stance, and that's what trump does. you can't make a statement depending upon his response because he could say anything. >> yes, as everybody has pointed out, don't ask a question you don't know the answer to.
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let's back pedal for a moment with that earlier comment with carly fiorina. when she said she believed american women heard him, you could hear that applause, and in addition to the women, a very clear male sound of applause. that should give a message to donald trump that there was such a unanimity. >> what are the challenges she faces going forward? let me ask, what's her appeal? >> because -- first of all, she's incredibly articulate and an incredibly hard worker. she knew the answer to every question and shfs very clear on her thoughts. i think one of her appeals, too, she is not a woman running for president, she is a strong leader running for president who
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happens to be a woman. that's a new thing for the gop, to have someone like that. she does it very well, she looks very serious, she knows her stuff and she's not saying elect me because i'm a woman, she's saying elect me because i'll do a good job. >> she has to defend her business record, and if donald trump remains, you'll see a lot more of that if she rises in the polls. >> i do believe that, but i also believe she will come out swinging quite effectively. in addition to what she says, which is always very coached and eloquent, there is that way she says it, that manner, that compares with margaret thatcher. >> wow, margaret thatcher. we come back to challenge the
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middle east and beyond. who got the upper hand in wednesday's showdown? ins. wow! welcome to fort green sheets. welcome to castle bravestorm. it's full of cool stuff, like... my trusty bow. and free of stuff i don't like. we only eat chex cereal. no artificial flavors, and it's gluten-free. mom, brian threw a ball in the house! hey babe, last one home cooks? ♪ ♪
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foreign policy took center stage in wednesday night's debate with vladimir putin's recent military moves in syria prompting this exchange between donald trump and florida senator marco rubio. >> what would you do right now if you were president to get the russians out of syria? >> i would talk to him, i would get along with him. i believe, and i may be wrong in which case i would have to take a different tack, but i would get along with a lot of the world leaders that this country is not getting along with. >> here's what you'll see in the next few weeks. the russians will begin flying combat. he will also turn to other countries in the region and say, america is no longer a reliable ally, egypt, america is no longer a reliable ally, saudi arabia. begin to rely on us. he's trying to replace us as the
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single most powerful leader in the nation. >> this is why donald trump lost ground in that debate. marco rubio was showing you what the political big leagues look like, and donald trump was showing you what it means to come out of the political minor leagues. if you're going to be on that stage -- he got into this thing talking mainly about immigration. you're in a debate, you've got to talk about at least five or six major issues and be prepared. almost all those candidates were including carly fiorina who is another, quote, unquote, outsider candidate. but she did her homework on foreign policy and it came through, and he didn't come through. >> to be commander in chief, you want to have some familiarity with the hot spots of the world, and donald trump didn't show that, where i thought rubio showed remarkable fluency.
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>> there's a difference between doing your homework and having lived this stuff all your life. marco rubio has invested in this study in this part of feeling about america. this shows in the quicken and the fluidity of his answers. i would add that calling him minor league of donald trump is really far too gray. >> on foreign policy. let's list ton a bite from carly fiorina on the same subject. >> what i would do immediately is begin rebuilding the six fleets, i would begin rebuilding the missile defense program in poland. i would conduct regular military exercises in the baltic states. vladimir putin would get the message. >> you've written that carly
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fiorina has to speak in this level of detail, whereas maybe a man would not. why do you say that? >> well, because the american public is used to men being president, and they assume most people who put themselves out there generally are familiar with the military, they understand how things run. they have their doubts with women about that. so fiorina's decision to go up there and be very, very specific about what she would do, and in fact, be very specific about elements of the military and how big it needed to be and talk about the sixth fleet, it was all designed to reassure people that she, as a woman, could be an effective commander in chief, and i think it was very effective. >> what about trump, james in our colleagues here very critical of him on foreign policy on a level of detail, but is there something effective about that quality where he says, look, i'm a big enough guy to talk to them. i'll get them down and i'll negotiate with them, and i never lose a deal. and they know they'll have to take me with respect. that seems to be working with some voters.
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>> certainly, and this is why i wouldn't assume, even though he may have gotten crushed on the substance, that he has a huge polling decline now. what you saw in that exchange with rubio, certainly rubio has studied more, you saw from rubio a very formal, maybe rehearsed political confrontation. what you saw from trump was more of a shoot from the hip, foreign. he has the ability to communicate that maybe a lot of other people on the stage haven't reached yet. >> but that answer from putin was hard to understand what he was saying. when you put that cloud in people's heads, i think they'll suffer. he said if not i'll have a plan b and we don't really know what that plan b was. trump reduces it to mono a mono
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foreign policy. >> what we've not solved the mystery is his support. stay in the end of the great mystery. >> that mystery will be unfolding as we continue to go along. when we come back with another debate behind us, a look at where the campaign goes from here. did this week's performances change the republican race in a fundamental way? our panel's thoughts after the break. it time to let the... ...real you shine... ...through? introducing otezla, apremilast. otezla is not an injection, or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. some people who took otezla saw 75% clearer skin after 4 months. and otezla's prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase... ...the risk of depression.
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the question is who's going to prosecute the question is, who is going to prosecute hillary clinton? the obama white house seems to have in interest, the justice department seems to have in interest. i think it's time to put a former federal prosecutor on the same stage as hillary clinton and i will prosecute her during those debates on the stage for
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the records we're talking about here. >> new jersey government chris christie challenging people on hillary clinton. did he give himself a new look by voters following that performance? >> he did, and that's the best argument for chris christie. he knows how to make a case. he wants to make it in a debate with hillary clinton. obviously, unlike some of the other candidates, he has an issue of his record. he doesn't have the great reform record that some of the other governors had, but when you see him in this debate, and he asserted himself a little more than the first one, and i think some like to think of him on the stage with hillary clinton going over the issues.
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he did not as well on the >> when you get something as vague as key point which is we don't want to be run by the government, let the people run their business, this is the kind of talk that he turns out is his major program. what is he saying? >> well what do you think he's
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saying? i think he's saying i'm an outer and going to come over and shake up washington. that's the message she's ghe's >> he doesn't push back against vaccinatio vaccinations. he allows this assault on vaccinations. well, you know, i'm for them. but there's another reason for it. he does this several times in several ways. i think there's room to talk about that. that is what he said. >> okay. kim, did anybody else break through for you, strike you as making an important impression? >> no. i think actually the one different way to look at this is not who has made an impression. but what's happening that's raised my mind is republican voters aren't necessarily choosing what they want to be the nominee. what they're doing is deciding who they don't want to see in
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this race anymore. and all of the candidates knew that which is why you saw them up there all being aggressive and trying to have a breakout moment. some f them didn't manage to do that. it was a tough night for guys like rand paul, mike huckabee, john kasich who doesn't have any memorable moments or lines. they've got donors that are going to be worried about this. >> did scott walker make an impression? he needed to, as kim said, break through. did he show anything to you? >> he showed more than he did in the first debate. it was a very competitive format with cnn running everything through donald trump. all of those candidates -- >> a blatant play for ratings by the way. >> absolutely. >> and not helpful to the -- >> but the candidate had to seize the moment when they got it. i don't think rand paul did a good job. mike huckabee did talking about
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religious liberty and walker did adds well. >> kasich i thought he did pretty well in the fist debate. but this time i got the impression that in some ways he was running a little too aggressively against the current republican party rather than against hillary clinton and the democrats. i'm not sure that's the way to get the nomination and break out in the field where a lot of republican voters are so frustrated. >> well his general theme is i'm a republican, but i have a heart. and i think that's offensive. >> like all of us care, by the way. we're not republicans and we don't have hearts. i don't know if this is going to sell. i certainly understand how it can sell to democrats and maybe some independents. but i think it may be an issue for republicans who really feel like conservatism is the philosophy that does the most for the poor, for everyone all around the world. i think that's a tough challenge for him. >> thank you. thank you all. we have to take one more break.
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when we come back, hits and misses of the week. we have to take one more break. when we come back, hits and misses of the week. if you can't put a feeling into words, why try? philips sonicare leaves your mouth with a level of clean like you've never felt before, making it the most loved electric toothbrush brand by americans and their dentists. innovation and you. philips sonicare.
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complete with key nutrients we may need. plus it helps support healthy blood pressure with vitamin d and magnesium. time now for hits and misses of the week. kim, start us off. >> a miss to texas senator john core nine for his call for a special prosecutor to look into hillary clinton's server. paul, we're only starting to figure out what happened with mrs. clinton's e-mails and only because we have the courts prosecuting the frae come of information act. you appoint a special prosecutor, that all comes to an end. this goes under grown, the pressure comes off the fbi and the courts. and that could possibly take years with no information. the american people deserve to know how hillary clinton thinks of classified information bf they go to vote for her in the fall. >> james? >> this is a miss to the federal
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reserve. seven years after the financial crisis, they insist on continuing emergency monetary. this is after a research report said that their policies have not worked anywhere ever. >> all right. so you want to get off zero. james? >> i think they could go much higher. but quarter of a pnt is a reasonable start and we can all keep borrowing money believe it or not. the world will go on. >> the obama economy got a big miss. median household income in 2014 is inchanged from 2013. and basically's down 6.5% since 2007. and what's more troublesome is income mobility in 2014 hardly moved. people are not moving up the income ladder. we're living in a static committee and this accounts for the anger that voters are expressing. >> and remember if you have your own hit or miss, tweet it to us.
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that's it for this week's show. thanks to my panel and especially to all of you for watching. hope to see you right here next week. hello, i'm marcell neville. welcome to america's news headquarters. >> i'm eric shaun. topping the news this hour, questions about transparency dogging her campaign, hillary clinton telling "face the nation" if morning that she does promise to be more forthcoming. >> people have questions. i want to try to answer them. >> but did she really do that? we'll take a close look at her brand-new response about a question concerning benghazi. the wildfire situation in california getting a lot worse. a new fire today claiming the life of another person and destroying ten more homes. we'll have aiv